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For the courageous who are being called to embark on a quest to a new way of being.


This is for the called.


A new dimension awaits: I invite you to enter The First Realm.

Close your eyes, babe, and imagine...

You are in a new place. A new world. While you look at your surroundings... you realize that the external has remained unchanged. It is a knowing that this new world you are awakening to is being birthed from the change happening within you.

You feel it in your soul. You are being called to embark on the quest of a lifetime... the Hero's Journey. The journey to real, meaningful, potent transformation... it is the quest to your Highest potential. To live a life of purpose. To live a life that aligns with the greatest expression of you.

And here you are... bravely answering the call, ready to cross the threshold into The First Realm.

But, you know that, with a new realm, will come new challenges, new tribulations, new mountains to overcome.

You recognize the need to be prepared and fully equipped for a successful journey through the realm.

Enter The First Realm, the dimension in which you will learn tools, exercises, and proven methods to succeed on your journey to your Higher potential. 

You have taken the first steps toward the portal that will transport you into The First Realm, because in the depths of your soul, babe, you know you are called to enter.

The First Realm is the first world you journey through to envision, create, and sustain a new, magnetic, vibrant, and bold way of being for your life.

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The life that you envision for yourself was always meant to be yours. Will you embark on the journey to step into the life you desire?

Deep within your soul, you recognize the truth that you were meant for more than the life you are currently living.

You wake up each day hopeful it will be the day you quantum leap into a new dimension of life... but it hasn't happened yet.

It hasn't happened yet, because you don't yet recognize the power you hold within you, babe.

You have forgotten your sovereignty, your magic, and your power.

It is time to reclaim it.

The First Realm is an imperative journey for you to take. It will strengthen your soul. It will sharpen your mind. It will create new neural connections between the mind-body to effectively cultivate a new way of being. One that aligns with your Highest potential.

The cosmos have aligned perfectly, in divine timing, to bring The First Realm to you, right when you need it, love.

Be bold, be brave... open the portal to The First Realm and take the next step in your journey to a new way of being in your life.



I want you to place your hands on your heart + close your eyes.

Imagine a life free from the holds of...

false narratives

limiting beliefs

societal expectations

labels / "fitting the mold"

people pleasing



Those things are cages. They imprison you.

Cages keep you small and have you doubting your greatness, questioning your worth, and being complacent.

But, there is a deep truth, love, the one you feel right now, screaming within you, "Cages are not for me! I don't want that reality anymore. I was meant to fly!"

You are right. The truth is that a new reality is more than possible for you. In fact, it is meant for you: a life of freedom, where you thrive, in a state of abundance, faith, trust, + vibrance.

The world needs you in your greatest expression.

Fully authentic.

Fully aligned.

Fully in your power.

Fully #uncaged.


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Hey Babe,

I’m Leta — and I’m really fucking glad you’re here.

The fact that you are reading this right now tells me that you are feeling called to journey to new time-space, one of your own creation. It tells me that you have a soul-craving to co-create a new reality for yourself as you see the paradigms of the old world fall away in this unprecedented year of change.

I am a life + mindset coach who has cultivated a process of working with clients on a holistic level — employing the help of a multitude of modalities in which I am certified. I am a Life + Success Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, TIME Techniques Practitioner, Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, RYT-200 Yoga Instructor, and NASM Certified Personal Trainer.

I believe that we all have a responsibility to reclaim what is rightfully ours— our inherent self-worth. I believe that we all have a responsibility to live big, beautiful, magic-filled lives that expand + inspire + liberate those around us. When we do this, we show the people around us what is possible for their life.

As a part of the collective, I recognize my part in the consciousness of all. As a representative of the divine, it is my duty to embody every ounce of my magic, my power, + my light. It is not only my purpose, but also the honor of my life, to show you how to do the same.

It is truly a disservice to the world for you to continue to play small in your life, my love. Actually, I think it is quite selfish. Right now, you are robbing the world of your greatness. BABE. It is 2020. We can't be having that.

Now, more than ever the collective consciousness NEEDS you-- fully embodied, confident, + radiating your light.

I am here to support you as you shift away from a life where you hide your magic, dim your light, and allow other people’s expectations to dictate your choices.

If you are ready to reclaim your power + unleash your highest, most aligned, magnetic, badass self — I am here to guide you into a new way of being.

You may be asking, "Okay, who is this girl to guide me on this journey?" Great. Fucking. Question. BABE, I am the right person to guide you on this journey because it wasn't too long ago that I was embarking on a journey through my first realm.

I knew an awakening was coming, but I didn't know how it would happen or what to do to help myself through the process.

I had spent 6.5 years in a career that I was miserable (like crying-in-the-bathroom-at-work miserable) in because I didn't want to disappoint my parents, after all, my career was what I went to college for (hello, $40K in student loan debt). My dream job of being a life coach seemed "impractical, illogical, and not financially sustainable."

I took that big, scary, illogical, + impractical LEAP. It was also the most important leap of my life. It was the beginning of my transcendence through paradigms that didn't serve me.

Babe, I have spent the last few years tapping into my energetic body, reconnecting with my intuition, and deepening my relationship with my Highest Self through hypnosis, yoga, movement, breath-work, and mindset work.

Now, I am living a life of liberation, one that I co-created with Source. This is a new realm for me... the dimension of my dreams.

I wouldn't change this journey for the fucking world, babe.

This new dimension, this new reality, this new realm can be yours, too.



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How-to vision board virtually using Pinterest and Canva. Why vision boarding works + how to use it for subconscious reprogramming.

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Create a customized list of tools + exercises that intentionally move you into the energy + vibration of the new reality you are co-creating.

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Design sacred rituals + routines that inject the life-force energy of your truest essence into your daily life, creating new neural pathways in the brain.

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Produce your own personalized affirmations via a proven method of rewriting belief systems. Reclaim the power within to grant yourself permission to be the greatest expression of you.

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Activate your sovereignty + autonomy as you take back the reigns + rule over your realm. Up-level your mind-body connection with electric embodiment practices that reconnect you to Source.

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Learn to balance energy as it flows through the energy meridians of the body. Tap yourself back to center. Master the art of tapping + creating your own tapping scripts to address various energetic imbalances.


Why you need to embark on this quest...

2020 has been a year of paradigms crumbling. Things are changing + shifting at an insane speed. As old programs + structures crumble, we have the beautiful opportunity to build something else in its place.

As you sit here, caged by the subconscious programming of your mind, you are faced with a choice: stay caged, remaining unchanged OR you can open your cage, spread your wings, and FLY.

In this amazing space of discomfort, you can choose to re-focus on yourself, what makes you happy, + what makes you feel alive. You can choose to no longer pay attention to what other people do, say, expect, think, and what they have (or have done) in comparison to you. 

So, what will you choose? Will you remain the same? Or will you become #uncaged + step into your power?

This is about taking your power back and rediscovering the magic within.

#UNCAGED will help you identify the false beliefs, the poisonous self-talk, and the cages that you are keeping your small + stuck. This course will give you the tools to open the cage + soar, just as you are meant to do.

Why do you need to take action RIGHT NOW? Because, babe, you were BORN TO FLY. And every moment that you choose to stay imprisoned is a moment that you will never get back.

The world needs you to step into your power. To fully show up as your Highest Self.

This is why I created #UNCAGED.


Every investment in yourself is a conscious energetic transaction with the Universe.

When you enter The First Realm, you are signaling to Divine Guidance that you are fully aligned with your Highest Self and you are ready, willing + open to receive the reality that matches it.

Are you ready for the next dimension?


What do you say, babe? Is this quest for you?

You've made it this far. Something deep in your soul called to you + you kept reading. Will you honor the call placed on your heart? Are you ready to journey through The First Realm?

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